Ways to Volunteer

For our program to be successful, we ask for each family to volunteer 20 hours minimum including 2 concessions shifts.  Many hands make light work! Find the opportunity that best fits your interests and talents and use the ivolunteer signup page.  We all thank you for your time. Any volunteers working directly with kids will also need to fill out the volunteer application on the RRISD website.

We truly have an opportunity for every talent, passion, or skill level.  Here is a list of some of the volunteer opportunities - please contact the coordinator at volunteering@mcneilband.org if you want to know more!

  1. Chaperoning: Chaperones are responsible for ensuring all the students are accounted for before, during and after a band event under the direction of the Chaperone Coordinator.  Occasionally at competitions, you may be asked to assist with other areas that may need additional volunteers such as serving meals for the students or helping push a prop onto the field. Signs ups for chaperones are live here:  


  2. Concessions: Volunteers for concessions will work in the concession stands at HOME varsity games and middle school games for Cedar Valley, Deerpark and Pearson Ranch.  Responsibilities may include handling cash, operating the card reader, food prep, food running, etc.  No experience is necessary and stand managers will provide any instruction/training as needed on the day of. Concessions volunteers will operate under the direction of the stand manager for the event they are volunteering for.  These sign ups are being finalized and will be available shortly, keep your eyes open for an announcement on the newsletter and the McNeil Band website.

  3. Game Day Meals: A part of our hospitality crew, game day meals volunteers help our band students get fed before each football game.  Responsibilities include distributing meals to the students and cleaning up the area afterwards.  Sign up for game day meals are live here:   https://mcneilband.ivolunteer.com/gamedaymeals2023

  4. Water Crew: Ensuring our performers get COLD water after the game/contest performance.  These volunteers bring coolers of iced down water (coolers provided by the band program) to our events. This is also pending, so more to come soon. If you are interested in helping lead this crew, please let me know!

  5. BOA Austin: OUR BIGGEST FUNDRAISING EVENT that requires ALL HANDS ON DECK.  There is no opt out for BOA Austin, we need all families to plan on volunteering for this event.  This event is already set for 9/23/23.  Signs ups for volunteer positions for this event will be released in the next couple weeks. 

  6. Prop Crew: Prop Crew assist the students in getting props to the game and on the field.  Some of the duties include:  

      • Loading props in the truck at the school

      • Unloading props from the truck at the stadium

      • Getting props to the field for performance (halftime at games)

      • Removing props from the field after a performance

      • Loading props back onto the truck 

                      Sign up for Prop Crew here: https://mcneilband.ivolunteer.com/propcrew2023

  7. Uniform Maintenance: A few times through the season, we will need parent help laundering uniforms.  Emails will be sent once those laundry days are set seeking volunteers to help.  Some have already indicated interest in helping in this area at registration. If you are interested, email volunteering@mcneilband.org and let me know and we'll add you to a running list of uniform maintenance crew volunteers and send you targeted emails through the season.

See all of the current needs at mcneilband.ivolunteer.com