Watch me first!
(best viewed fullscreen, so you can see the form fields)
How is leadership paperwork going to work virtually?
All PDFs that you need are on this page, listed as links. Make sure you right-click and ‘Save as’ each file so you have a copy for yourself. All of the PDFs should now be editable electronically, which is how you will submit them. Make sure you save the file before closing out of it to make sure that all of your information is saved. (You don't want to go through all of that hard work only to lose it!)
Please keep the file naming convention (# - LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, INSTRUMENT - whatever the form is called). This will make it easier for me to sort everything out and bundle your completed packets as a single file.
When you have a file saved, email it to Mr. Muñoz ( and it will be documented on the Paperwork Tracking Google Sheet (you need to be logged into your RRISD account in order to view this sheet).
Important Dates:
Paperwork Due - April 2, 2021, by 8:30 AM
Interview Answer Video - April 2, 2021 by 8:30 PM
Marching Video Due - April 2, 2021, by 8:30 AM
Drum Major Conducting Video Due - April 2, 2021 by 8:30 AM
How will interviews work?
We will be using a platform called Outmatch/Wepow that allows you to do a pre-recorded interview. The directors will send out a link at 4:50 PM on April 2, which should give you enough time to register and also answer the few questions in the interview. You will be given 20 seconds to come up with an answer and have up to two minutes to answer each question.
Answering on a computer is probably easiest, but there are both Android and iOS apps, if you plan on using a device. (I would suggest installing these prior to May 4 if you plan on using a mobile device so there's no hiccups.)
What do I need to have turned in?
Marching Leadership:
Short Answer Page
Student Signature Page
Parent Signature Page
Honors Calculation Form
Teacher Recommendation Form
Peer Evaluations (x5)
Marching Video
Drum Major Candidates ONLY: Conducting Video
Drum Majors Candidates ONLY: Drum Major Essay
Logistical and Council Leadership:
Short Answer Page
Student Signature Page
Parent Signature Page
Honors Calculation Form
Teacher Recommendation Form
How will peer evaluations work?
You, the leadership candidate, need to email Mr. Muñoz and tell him who your five peer evaluators are AND what their role is (brass, woodwind, senior leader, etc.).
You, the leadership candidate, need to get in touch with your peer evaluators and either send them the editable PDF or direct them to the Google Drive to download their copy.
If you are a peer evaluator, you need to send your filled and saved PDF from your student email address. Why your student email? It’s important to maintain the integrity of the process and verify that the intended person is actually filling out a form.
Can I ask a musician who did winter guard to be my guard evaluator?
All guard evaluators need to be students who participate in the guard full-time (fall and spring).
What about extra points on the score sheet?
The three most commonly asked about are summer band camps (Longhorn Music Camp, Texas State Band Camp, etc.), mulch delivery, and volunteering at Bands of America - Austin. All of these are 20 points. If you have anything outside of those 3, please ask.
Is there still a marching audition?
Yes. This can be done on a sidewalk, backyard, etc. We understand that metronome might not be audible on video, depending on what you have. However, it is very important that next year's team have a solid grasp of fundamentals (forward, backward, slides), so we have a strong baseline from which to build our marching and teaching skills from. If you don’t have the space to record the entire exercise at once, record one leg at a time (which means you will send four videos).
Consider coming up to the marching band practice field in order to get a recording with enough space!
What about conducting auditions?
Conducting auditions will be only the meter exercise (4/4, 3/4, 2/4), with a metronome of your own providing tempo (120 BPM and 160 BPM) and conducting the 1st movement of the 2017 McNeil show, Inverted.
2017 scores and click tracks will be emailed to you. The full click is used for practice, the 8-and-out click track is used for the audition video.
Consult the explanation videos first, email us with any questions you have.
Files you need!
(Make sure to right-click and ‘Save as’ each file!)
Page 3 - Parent Signature Page
Page 4 - Honors Calculation Form
Page 5 - Teacher Recommendation Form
Page 6 - Peer Evaluation Form - MARCHING LEADERSHIP ONLY (you will need five of these!)
What do the logistical/officer positions do?
Clear communication constantly among council
Schedules Meetings
Works as a team leader to organize Band Banquet, the largest event of the year, as a unit!
Oversees Inspections (Marching Season)
Assigns 8th Grade Buddies (in tandem with Social Officer)
Hey Band & Tutoring Sign Ups
VP of Administration
Takes notes at meetings
Attendance at Rehearsals
Band Siblings
Other duties as assigned
VP of Media
Heads all media stuff (programs for Banquet)
Banquet Senior Videos
Banquet Slide Show
VP of Social Activities (1 VP + 2 Assistants, 3 Total)
Plan social events (movie nights, Bandcoming, band banquet, Christmas party, DCI, etc.)
Communicate with band directors & boosters on budgets for events
Surveying of Events
Consists of one VP, one underclassmen rep., one upperclassmen rep.
Assigns 8th Grade Buddies (in tandem with President)
Logistical Leadership
Instrument Manager
Lockers (cleaning & assigning)
Weekly maintenance of locker rooms
Check out Instruments
Communicate with directors for repairs on instruments & lockers
Keeps Cut Time updated with instrument repair information and records of instrument assignments
Keep library organized!
Keep records of music that is distributed to students in
Copy Music (Music Needed + Music Copied binders)
Solo Piano Accompaniment Binders
Copy All-State Etudes for Directors
Uniform Staff
Check out uniforms (marching & concert)
Size for uniforms (marching & concert)
Keep uniforms cleaned and organized
Assist directors with organizing uniforms for cleaning
Keep all uniform inventory tidy and organized
Drum Major Conducting Videos
Conducting Basics:
Meter Exercise: